Número 5 / Junio 2003

Mediación Familiar

Lisa Parkinson

El Modelo Eco-sistémico de Mediación Familiar

Gran parte de la literatura sobre los distintos modelos de mediación – los que tienen por objeto lograr acuerdos, modelos narrativos, transformativos y terapéuticos—se centran en las necesidades y las perspectivas de los adultos. La niñez apenas se menciona, o bien, cuando hay asuntos relacionados con los niños, se los considera como objetos de cuidado y aun como objetos sobre los cuales se puede negociar. El modelo eco-sistémico se adapta mejor a la mediación familiar porque ofrece una visión holística de los sistemas familiares en los cuales la buena comunicación entre los miembros de la familia es de vital importancia. Es un modelo flexible que se adapta a problemas multiculturales e intergeneracionales.

El modelo eco-sistémico es primordialmente multidisciplinario, lo que tiene implicaciones importantes para el adiestramiento y práctica de mediadores familiares.

The Eco-Systemic Model of Family Mediation

Much of the literature on different models of mediation – settlement-seeking, narrative, transformative and therapeutic models – focuses on adults’ perspectives and needs. Children may scarcely be mentioned, or, where there are child-related issues, the children may be regarded as objects of care or even as objects to bargain over. The eco-systemic model is better suited to family mediation because it offers a holistic view of family systems in which good communication between family members is of key importance. It is a flexible model that is adaptable to cross-cultural and inter-generational issues.

The eco-systemic model is essentially cross-disciplinary : this has important implications for family mediators’ training and practice.

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 Lisa Parkinson es mediadora familiar, entrenadora y autora.
Representante del Reino Unido, Foro Europeo de Mediación Familiar
Comité Ejecutivo, Foro Mundial de Mediación

Lisa Parkinson, M.A., C.Q.S.W., qualified as a social worker after taking her first degree. It was her experience as a family therapist and psychiatric social worker in the early 1970s, working with parents and children who were going through separation and divorce, that led to her becoming a pioneer in the development of family mediation in the UK. Lisa was closely involved in setting up and running the first family mediation service in the U.K. from 1978 onwards. She continues to practise as a family mediator and is also a family mediation consultant, supervisor and trainer, based in Bristol and also working in other parts of the U.K. She is director of family mediation training with CALM, Scotland and a faculty member of the European Masters on Mediation and ADR, based in Switzerland.
Lisa is a co-founder and committee member of World Mediation Forum and U.K. representative on the Training Standards Committee of the European Forum on Family Mediation Training and Research.
Lisa has run training courses and taken part in conferences in many countries. She has written widely on mediation (see Family Mediation, Sweet & Maxwell, 1997).
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